Looking for a Vacation or Retirement Home in the Highland Lakes - Texas Hill Country Area of Central Texas?
You have found the right place!
Listed below are several Real Estate Agents and Companies who specialize in selling homes, condos, lots and ranches in the Central Texas Highland Lakes area and the Texas Hill Country area. The area lakes are Lake Buchanan, Inks Lake, Lake LBJ and Lake Marble Falls. It also includes the towns of Buchanan Dam, Burnet, Horseshoe Bay, Kingsland, Llano and Marble Falls. This area is a very popular retirement and recreational area 50 to 70 minutes northwest of Austin Texas and 80 minutes north of San Antonio in the beautiful central Texas Hill Country.
Click on the links below to view photos
and information on real estate in the
Highland Lakes and Texas Hill Country Areas:

Lake LBJ Real Estate - MLS Search
The Highland Lakes Area - TX
Giles Summerlin with RE/MAX of Marble Falls specializes in Lake LBJ Real Estate and Texas Hill Country Lake Living.
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